As the first soil daylighting project of the Depave organization, Fargo Forest Garden used to be under asphalt! Today, it is a 20+ year experiment in urban food forestry. Fargo Food Forest is located in inner North Portland at the corner of Williams Ave. and Fargo St. The site has 15 fruit trees and 2 nut trees. Many understory plants have taken hold, grapes, 5 types of berries, herbs, bulbs and perennial vegetables.

Accepted into the Urban Farm Collective as their first permaculture site, Fargo received the benefits of a weekly intern for the Summer and Fall seasons.  The site manager and intern worked closely together educating themselves on permaculture theory and principles, tree care, pest/disease control and composting technique.  Also, in partnership the Portland Fruit Tree Project worked with the site manager to teach workshop participants how to prune and identify and control pest and disease.